Refund Policy

What Is You Return Policy And Quality Guarantee?

If you’re not satisfied with the quality of the products your customers received, get in touch within 15 days after receipt and we’ll do everything we can to investigate and find a solution.

If your claim is validated by our quality assurance team, we will send a reprint to your customers as quickly as possible or offer a full refund for the defective order.

Custom Pet Portraits.

It is not the responsibility. of The Canvas Crib if a low quality image is uploaded and the quality of the picture on the canvas reflects this. Images are an exact representation of the photos uploaded so The Canvas Crib does not take responsibility for the blurryness of images due to a low quality image being uploaded. It is the responsibility of the customer to upload a good quality image of which an accurate representation will be delivered on canvas. When the image quality is poor we will attempt to contact the customer in order to resolve the isssue and deliver the best quality image and canvas to the customer. If we do not get a response within 3-4 working days we will print theimage that was uploaded and ship the canvas.

Color consistency

We use the same print machines, paper types and work processes at our print partners to minimize colour variations. Having said that, printing is a chemical process and 100% consistency cannot be achieved. Multiple factors influence the colour, consistency and final result: machine type, machine settings, paper types, humidity in the room, when the machine was last cleaned, just to mention a few examples. Colour variations that may occur due to the above-mentioned reasons lie within acceptable tolerance levels and are not covered under our quality guarantee.

Shipments that go unclaimed are returned to our print partner and destroyed. Should you want to submit a new order, you will be liable for the costs of the new order.